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UN Electoral Assistance Jobs

What is the United Nations Single Electoral Roster?

The United Nations Single Electoral Roster is a database of experts, who are deemed qualified and suitable to provide specialized technical assistance to governments and national electoral management bodies. Such individuals may be recruited by the UN Secretariat and the Agencies, Funds and Programmes as staff members or as consultants to participate in electoral missions ranging in duration from one week to several months, depending on the assistance requested.

The development and maintenance of this roster is intended to fast track the selection and recruitment of the highest quality of international personnel in order to ensure effective and timely delivery of Electoral Assistance globally.


Areas of Expertise

The Electoral Assistance Division manages the roster and ensures that all client entities have access to experienced electoral experts for advisory or support activities in a variety of specialized areas, such as:  

  • Electoral law and/or Electoral dispute resolution;
  • Election security and prevention of election fraud;
  • Training of election officials;
  • Civic and voter education;
  • Increasing the participation of women and/or minorities;
  • Media and Communication;
  • Operational planning and logistics;
  • Voter registration;
  • Polling and Counting procedures;
  • Information Technology Electoral Systems. 


Roster Membership

While Roster membership does not provide any entitlement to work for the United Nations, it does have the advantage of belonging to a specialized pool of candidates whose academic credentials and work experience have been verified and are disseminated to hiring managers of any client entity when there is a job opening for that specific profile.

For staff positions, roster members have already passed an assessment and compliance review process, and can therefore be selected for open positions without further assessments by the hiring manager.  However, some managers will conduct further assessments specific to the position being filled.

Note:  While membership in the United Nations Single Roster System does not guarantee employment in the United Nations, it is a requirement for employment to a staff position within the UN.


How to Apply for Roster Membership

There are two ways to apply for the United Nations Single Electoral Roster:

  1. Roster Campaigns for Staff Positions: Prospective candidates apply to the Generic Job Openings (GJO) for the specific grade(s) level for which they are eligible. These GJO’s are posted periodically on the UN Careers Portal, INSPIRA, at the website careers.un.org, as well as in the websites of the participating UN Funds and Programmes
  2. Ongoing application for Consultants and Individual Contractors:  where prospective candidates can submit their CV or Personal History Profiles (PHPs) at any time to the email address:  electoralroster@un.org.


Creating your Application and Personal History Profile in Inspira

Each candidate has to submit an application using the UN online recruitment system, Inspira.  The Inspira application is an extended online resume, specifically used by the United Nations, where you articulate your education, competencies, achievements and professional experience. The application is used to evaluate your eligibility and suitability for the job. It is your opportunity to tell your story in a way that demonstrates that you are the best candidate for the job.

When applying to the Generic Job Opening in Inspira, ensure that the information contained in your PHP is complete and correct as you cannot make any changes.  Your PHP will be used to evaluate your eligibility and suitability.  It is important to complete the information about your education, work experience and language skills (including mother tongue) accurately. This information will be used in the system automated pre-screening. 

The cover letter, which you must complete when applying for a job at the United Nations, is the personal introduction that accompanies your application.  Your aim in the cover letter is to describe how your experience, qualifications and competencies match the job for which you are applying. Think of your cover letter as an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other job seekers by highlighting what makes you the best match for the position.

For more details on the application process, visit the UN Careers Portal Homepage (https://careers.un.org), and click on Creating your job application, and the Application Process.


Evaluation of Candidates

Candidates who meet the suitability requirements will be invited to participate in a written assessment exercise.  Those candidates who pass the written assessment are then invited to a Competency-Based Interview.  Successful candidates are then reviewed by the Field Central Review Body (FCRB) and if endorsed will be placed on the roster of pre-approved candidates and will be informed by accordingly.


Contacting the Electoral Assistance Division

Electoral Assistance Division | Department of Political and Pecaebuilding Affairs | United Nations Secretariat New York, NY, 10017 United States of America

Email: electoralroster@un.org