Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo: The JCPOA remains the best available option for ensuring a peaceful nuclear programme by Iran
On 6 July, Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Council on non-proliferation and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). She underscored that, when she last briefed the Council on the Plan and the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015), all participants to the Plan, as well as the United States, had affirmed that a return to full implementation was the only way to resolve the nuclear issue in Iran. “Diplomacy is the only way to effectively address the Iranian nuclear issue,” she said, underlining the Secretary-General's appeal to the United States to lift or waive its sanctions – as outlined in the Plan – and to extend waivers on the oil trade with Iran. She also called on Iran to reserve actions that were inconsistent with its commitments.
Read remarks here
Briefing Security Council, Special Representative Salvador underscores Secretary-General's call for “robust international force” in Haiti
On 6 July, Special Representative and Head of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) María Isabel Salvador briefed the Council on the deteriorating situation in the country. She noted the recent visit of Secretary-General António Guterres and USG DiCarlo to Haiti and the UN's continued support for a “robust international force” to assist the Haitian National Police. Such a force should complement and strengthen, not replace, the Haitian National Police, she said, in full respect for the country’s national sovereignty. The SRSG also highlighted the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) initiative in June, where Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry committed to changes in the Cabinet in order to make it more politically inclusive, as well as to the enlargement of the High Transitional Council.
The briefing on Haiti came days after a visit to the country by the Secretary-General and Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo, during which they met with government leaders, political parties and civil society groups.
Read more about the visit here
Read the SRSG's remarks here
Security Council Affairs Division publishes newsletter on June highlights
This week, the Security Council Affairs Division of DPPA published the June edition of “Security Council in Review.” The newsletter features the highlights of the Council’s work under the presidency of the United Arab Emirates. It outlines the key topics covered, including briefings on the Middle East, including on cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security on 8 June. A high-level open debate on threats to international peace and security on 13 June focused on climate change, peace and security, and a high-level briefing on the maintenance of international peace and security on 14 June focused on the values of human fraternity in promoting and sustaining peace.
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SRSG Laing attends ceremony marking handover of seven ATMIS bases to Somali government
On 6 July, Special Representative and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) Catriona Laing attended a ceremony in Mogadishu to mark the handover of seven Forward Operating Bases from African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS). In her remarks she acknowledged the considerable progress made in efforts to build a peaceful Somalia. She also commended ATMIS and Troop Contributing Countries (TCC) for supporting stability and Security in Somalia, and paid tribute to the sacrifice of these countries and Somali security forces.
UNSAC meets in forum on addressing and countering hate speech
On 6 July, experts from the 11 member countries of the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC) met in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in a forum for the popularization, appropriation and political endorsement of a draft regional strategy and action plan for addressing and countering hate speech in written, audiovisual and digital communication media in Central Africa. The Yaoundé Forum, initiated by the Government of Cameroon based on a mandate from UNSAC, is the fourth regional consultation on the issue. The meeting made it possible to develop and adopt the draft regional strategy and action plan for addressing and countering hate speech in written, audiovisual and digital media in Central Africa.
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UNOAU calls for nominations to recognize African women advancing the WPS agenda in next edition of its book, She Stands for Peace
The UN Office to the African Union (UNAOU) is now accepting nominations to be included in the latest edition of ‘She Stands for Peace’, a publication that aims to amplify the voices of women who made outstanding contributions to the promotion of peace and security in Africa. Criteria for nomination include those women who have actively participated in peace processes, or who have made significant contributions towards the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence.
Find out more here
Special Coordinator Wronecka meets with Lebanon’s Prime Minister to discuss Blue Line
On 6 July, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General Joanna Wronecka and the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Force Commander Major General Aroldo Lazaro met with Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdallah Bouhabib. They discussed the importance of maintaining calm along the Blue Line, as well as respect for the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel. The Special Coordinator visited Israel last week to discuss developments related to the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 ahead of her briefing to the Security Council on 20 July. In that regard, the Special Coordinator held a round of meetings with the Beirut-based Ambassadors of Security Council members, including with the Ambassadors of Switzerland and Japan on 7 July.
Special Coordinator discusses energy reforms with Lebanon minister
On 4 July, Special Coordinator Wronecka met with Lebanon’s caretaker Minister of Energy Walid Fayad. They discussed the crucial reforms needed in the energy sector as the country continues to struggle with a long-term electricity crisis. They also spoke about how the Ministry is exploring sustainable solutions, renewable energy sources and enhanced efficiency. The Special Coordinator underlined the need to improve the delivery of state services to the Lebanese people, and stressed that collaborative efforts are the key to building a greener future.
Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert travels to Ankara
On 5 July, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, met in Ankara with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, Ambassador Burak Akçapar. They discussed current developments in the region and cooperation between the United Nations and the Republic of Türkiye.
On 2 July, Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert met in Baghdad with National Security Adviser (NSA) Qassim Al-Araji. They discussed Iraq's political and security situation, including the repercussions of the recent burning of a copy of the Quran in Sweden and the need to dismantle Al-Hol camp in Syria.
Deputy Special Representative Cordone meets with Women Advisory Group on upcoming elections
On 6 July, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone met in Baghdad with members of the Women Advisory Group and Advisor to the Speaker of the Iraq Council of Representatives on Women Intisar Al-Jobouri. Discussions focused on support for women’s participation in the upcoming Iraqi provincial council elections. Members of the Women Advisory Group highlighted the need for training on leadership, concerns on the application of the women’s quota and protection for women candidates. DSRSG Cordone said that UNAMI continues to encourage women's participation and access to equal opportunities in the political sphere.
Deputy Special Representative Isaczai meets with Iraqi officials on UN support
On 5 July, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq Ghulam Mohammad Isaczai met in Baghdad with Minister of Trade Atheer Al-Ghurairy, together with the World Food Representative (WFP) for Iraq, Ally Raza Qureshi. They discussed UN support for technical assistance, capacity building, and private sector development through small and medium-sized enterprises targeting women and youth.
UNAMI Human Rights Office participates in roundtable discussion on civic space
On 5 July, the UNAMI Human Rights Office, in cooperation with the Kurdistan Region's Office of the Coordinator for International Advocacy, organized a roundtable discussion in Erbil on civic space. The event brought together representatives from security services, civil society, journalists and activists. “The protection of civic space remains a priority area for UNAMI Human Rights Office,” Said Florian Razesberger, Senior Human Rights Officer of UNAMI.
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Secretary-General acknowledges progress in the implementation of the Peace Agreement and highlights the emphasis on dialogue to reduce violence and advance peacebuilding
In his most recent report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, which covers the period from 27 March to 26 June 2023, Secretary-General António Guterres recognizes the progress made in the implementation of central aspects of the Final Peace Agreement. He also encourages the Government to continue to persevere, both in its implementation and in the use of dialogue to deepen the scope of peace. He further welcomes the Government's work to prioritize the needs of indigenous and Afro-Colombian peoples on issues such as the strengthening of participation and collective reparations. The report will be presented to the Security Council by the Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu next week.
Read the latest SG report here