This week, Awa Dabo, Director and Deputy Head of DPPA's Peacebuilding Support Office, participated in the National Dialogues Conference 2024 in Helsinki, hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, Finn Church Aid, Felm, and the Abilis Foundation. The Peacebuilding Support Office moderated a panel discussion on the role of national dialogues and other non-formal dialogue processes in peacebuilding. Additionally, PBSO engaged in a panel session organized by CMI focused on multilateralism and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. During the visit, Dabo also met with the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs to discuss Finland’s partnership with PBSO, including collaborations on the UN-CSO Dialogue, Youth, Peace and Security, and Finland’s support to the Peacebuilding Fund.